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Pond Aerators

Every biological process that occurs in ponds is dependent on oxygen. This is especially important in warmer temperatures or at night when plants are not converting sunlight into oxygen. Pond aerators supply dissolved oxygen directly to ponds and other water features, helping all biological processes and resulting in healthier fish and plants. Aeration can also be used during cold winter months to keep a hole open in the ice formed at the surface of the pond, allowing for necessary de-gassing.
Every biological process that occurs in ponds is dependent on oxygen. This is especially important in warmer temperatures or at night when plants are not converting sunlight into oxygen. Pond aerators supply dissolved oxygen directly to ponds and other water features, helping all biological processes and resulting in healthier fish and plants. Aeration can also be used during cold winter months to keep a hole open in the ice formed at the surface of the pond, allowing for necessary de-gassing.…
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47 Morrow Ave,

Sussex, NB

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1 (506) 432-1100

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